Fiszki 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387

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Domanda Risposta
drogi / droższy / najdroższy
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expensive / more expensive / the most expensive
Mieszkania w Warszawie są drogie.
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Flats in Warsaw are expensive.
tani / tańszy / najtańszy
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cheap / cheaper / the cheapest
Polecam ten hotel. Jest ładny i tani.
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I recommend this hotel. It is nice and cheap.
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Masz wystarczająco dużo pieniędzy?
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Do you have enough money?
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Ukradziono mi portfel.
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Someone stole my wallet.
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cashpoint / ATM
Najbliższy bankomat jest za rogiem.
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The nearest cashpoint is round the corner.
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to pay /paid /paid
Mogę zapłacić kartą?
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Can I pay with my card?

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