have, get, go.

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I have got a car.
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Mam samochód.
Sue has got long hair
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Sue ma długie włosy
Have they got a children?
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Oni mają do dzieci?
Tim hasn't got a job.
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Tim nie dostał pracę.
How much time have you got?
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Ile czasu masz?
We have breakfast at quarter to eight.
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Mamy śniadanie o 7:45.
They have lunch
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Mają obiad
You have dinner
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Masz obiad
She's having lunch.
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Ona je obiad...
Have a biscuit
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Masz ciastko!
have a bathe / shower
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mają kąpać / prysznic
I have a bath
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Mam kąpieli. Kąpię się
You have a walk.
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Masz na spacer.
I have a look at newspaper.
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I spojrzeć na gazety. Przeglądać.
get a letter
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dostać list
get a job
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dostać pracę
Where did you get?
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Skąd masz?
get lost / lose one's way
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zgubić / stracić drogę
get a bus, a train, a taxi
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dostać się autobusem, pociągiem, taksówką
get hungry
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get cold
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get tired
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If you don't eat, you get hungry.
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Jeśli nie jesz, będziesz głodny.
It's getting cold.
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Robi się zimno. Stygnie.
I hope she gets better soon.
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Mam nadzieję, że jej będzie lepiej wkrótce.
We got very wet because we didn't have a umbrella.
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Mamy bardzo zmokliśmy, bo wzieliśmy parasol.
get married
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get dressed
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ubrać się
get lost
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zgubić się
get to a place
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dostać się do miejsca,
get home
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dostać się do domu
get in car
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wsiadać do auta
get out of car
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wyleźć, wysiadać
get on a bus
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wsiąść do autobusu
get out a plane
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go to work
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Iść do pracy
go to London
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jechać do Londynu
go to sleep
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iść spać
go home this afternoon
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wrócić do domu po południu
go on holiday, a trip, a tour, an excursion, a cruise,
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wyjechać na wakacje, podróż, wycieczka, wycieczka, rejs,
go on strike
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The workers have gone on strike
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Robotnicy strajkowali
go for
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iść coś robić
go for a walk, a run, a swim, a drink
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iść na spacer, pobiegać, popływać, popić
I go shopping
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Idę na zakupy
she is going fishing
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ona idzie na ryby
she is going to fish.
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ona będzie łowić.
We went sailing
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Poszliśmy żeglarstwo
They have gone skiing
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Poszli na nartach
He wants to go jogging
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On chce pobiegać

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