health idioms

 0    13 schede    Kalix22
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zdrów jak ryba
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be as fit as a fiddle
w stanie krytycznym
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be at death's door
stanąć na nogi
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back on your feet
wrócić do zdrowia
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back to normal
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black and blue
paść trupem
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drop dead
ograniczyć spożycie węglowodanów
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cut down on carbohydrates
ograniczyć spożycie tłuszczy
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cut down on fats
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fall ill
być jedną nogą w grobie
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have one foot in the grave
powracać do zdrowia
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on the mend
nie w sosie
inizia ad imparare
out of sorts
zmienić się na gorsze
inizia ad imparare
take a turn for the worse

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