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emergency exit
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the exit in case of a dangerous situation
overhead locker
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the place for baggage in the plane, over passengers' heads
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the small vehicle to transport heavy luggage
seat belt
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the belt to fasten in a car or plane
window seat
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the seat nearby the window, you can admire the view from up
flight attendant
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the plane's staff, who serves food
lost property office
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the place, where you can find your lost luggage
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too late
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the person, who directs the plane
boarding pass
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ticket, which you need to enter the plane
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the people, who travel on a plane.
cabin crew
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the plane's staff
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the things which you take with you, when you travel
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a place at the airport, where the passengers wait before theirs flight
to board
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to go onto a plane at the beginning of journey
duty free shop
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a shop at an airport where you can buy tax-free
to check in
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to show documents to the airport staff to start the journey
immigration officer
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a person who checks visa and passport

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