idioms 3

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show one's true colors
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reveal one's real character
with flying colours
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with great success
not count one's chickens before they're hatched
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not assume sth before it happens
be dying for something
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really want sth
be fit for
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be good enough for
be worn out
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be very tired
be green
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be inexperienced
cook one's goose
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end one's plans abruptly
fair and square
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within the rules
fall head over heels
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fall in love quickly
feel one's ears burning
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have a feeling that sb is talking about you
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nieproszony gość / sb attending a party, event etc without an invitation
get off on the wrong foot
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argue or disagree at the beginning od a relationship
give and take
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have a frog in one's throat
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inability to speak due to nervousness
have the gift of the gab
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be able to talk well, persuasively
hear it through/on the grapevine
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find out information indirectly
in a flash
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very quickly
it's all Greek to me
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sth new or foreign; not easily understood
keep a straight face
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manage to look serious under difficult circumstances
keep an eye on sth
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guard / protect sth
meet behind closed doors
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meet secretly
one's flesh and blood
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family member
plenty more fish in the sea
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many more opportunities in life for love
put one's foot down
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insist on sth
put one's foot in it
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make a tactless comment
take it easy
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not work too hard / relax
take sb for granted
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not appreciate sb
a bit of a dark horse
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person with hidden abilities
be for the high jump
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about to be reprimended / punished
be sound asleep
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sleep deeply
be the perfect image of sb
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look exactly like sb
before one can say Jack Robinson
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extremely quickly
break the ice
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break the ice in inglese
ease the tension when one first meets people
eat one's heart out
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feel jealous/ sad about sth
flog a dead horse
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waste time doing sth useless
fly off the handle
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quickly become very angry

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