idioms 4

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get out of hand
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become out of control
get the hang of it
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get in the habit of doing sth
go to one's head
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make conceited
grey matter
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brains; intelligence
hand in glove with sb
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be in very close contact with
have a job to do sth
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find sth difficult to do
have many irons in the fire
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have lots of plans / possibilities in progress at the same time
have one's heart in one's mouth
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be extremely anxious about sth
have time on one's hands
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have free time
hold one's horses
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wait, be patient
ill at ease
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embarrassed / uncomfortable
keep sth under one's hat
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keep sth secret
keep up with the Joneses
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compete with others in status; material goods
lend sb a hand
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give help to sb
like the back of one's hand
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be very familiar with sth
lose heart
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become discouraged
make head nor tail of
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understand sth
off the cuff
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without preparation
stew in one's own juice
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suffer the consequences of one's own action
straight from the horse's mouth
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from the most direct source
have sb's hands full
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be very busy with sth
sth comes in handy
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be very useful; practical
strike gold
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come across sth useful
take sth to heart
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take personally / be influenced by
take to one's heels
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run away
the ins and outs
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the details of an activity
the tip of the iceberg
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small evident part of a much larger, concealed situation
at large
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free, not caught
be in the know
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be well-informed
bring to one's knees
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destroy, humble
bury one's head in the sand
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avoid or ignore reality/ responsibility
come to a head
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reach a critical point
drop sb a line
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send sb a letter
fine kettle of fish
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confused state of affairs
get rid of sth
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give sth unwanted away
go to any lenghts
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do anything necessary to get sth you want
have kittens
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be nervous/ anxious about sth
keep one's fingers crossed
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hope that sth will turn out well
keep oneself to oneself
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live quietly, privately
make a killing
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have a sudden, great success / profit
make light of
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treat sth as unimportant
make/earn a/one's living
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earn money
on the level
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honest / sincere
pull one's leg
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tease or trick sb
shed light upon
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give new / further information

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