idioms: come

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Domanda English Risposta English
find or meet by chance
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come across
run across
come or appear somewhere
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come along
break into pieces
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come apart
fall apart
change one's mind
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come around
attack sb
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come at
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come back
be more important than
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come before
be the cause of disagreement
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come between
get sth or visit sb
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come by
decrease or land
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come down
become ill with a particular illness
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come down with
go down with
arrive/enter or become fashionable
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come in
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come into
be a result of sth
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come of
come out of sth
be a success
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come off
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come out
say sth especially strange or shocking
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come out with sth
regain consciousness
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come round
experience sth difficult successfully
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come through sth
experience sth unpleasant
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come under
move closer to sb
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come up to
happen or appear suddenly
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come up
suddenly think of sth like a new idea
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come up with
visit sb, come/arrive somwhere
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come over

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