idioms / fixed phrases 2

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deal a blow to
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damage one's hopes
don't hold your breath
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don't wait for sb / sth anxiously
drive a hard bargain
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be a tough businessman
drop a brick
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popełnić gafę / say sth tactlessly
feel in one's bones
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feeling sth instinctively
get your own back
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take / get revenge
have a bee in one's bonnet
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have an obsession about sth
have a butterflies in one's stomach
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be very nervous about sth
in black and white
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in writing
in the balance
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kick the bucket
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lay bare
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make public
make a clean breast of
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make one's blood boil
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cause sb to become very angry
on the spur of the moment
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without thinking about sth
out of the blue
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suddenly and unexpectedly
ring a bell
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remind sb of sth
see the back of
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be glad to see sb leave
take the bull by the horns
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deal with sth boldly and directly
wet blanket
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dull person who spoils people's happiness
a piece of cake
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sth very easy to do
a red-letter day
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a very important day
a wild-goose chase
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a hopeless search
be on the cards
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be likely to happen
be over the moon
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be over the moon in inglese
być w siódmym niebie / be elated
call sb names
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insult sb
chair a meeting
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preside over a meeting
crocodile tears
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false tears
cross one's mind
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think of sth
cut sb dead
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ignore sb
different as chalk and cheese
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totally different
down in the dumps
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depressed / miserable
down the drain
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wasted; lost
get a bit hot under the collar
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get angry, upset or embarrassed
get a problem off one's chest
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tell sb else about your problem
go to the dogs
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have the cheek
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dare to do sth
keep one's chin up
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not be discouraged
let sleeping dogs lie
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avoid mentioning a subject which could cause a problem
lost cause
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hopeless situation or case
off colour
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look / be slightly unwell
on the dole
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na zasiłku / receiving unemployment benefit / social security
play one's cards right
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acy cleverly

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