idioms /fixed phrases 5

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a bitter pill to swollow
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a difficult fact to accept
against all odds
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despite the difficulties
be out of practice
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lacking practice
come to the point
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reach the main point in the discussion
fall into place
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become clear
get the sack
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be dismissed from one's job
get the wrong end of the stick
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misunderstand completely what has been said
golden opportunity
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the best chance to gain sth
grease sb's palm
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bribe sb
grow out of sth
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become too big for sth
have no option but
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must, have no choice
in public
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in the presence of other people
in the offing
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likely to happen
off the point
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once and for all
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for the last time
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complete, total
out in the open
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(of secrets) revealed, known
out of print
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(of books) not available anymore
out of the frying pan into the fire
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from a situation to a worse/ similar one
part and parcel of
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basic part of
past one's prime
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growing old/ not at one's best
pop the question
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make a proposal of marriage
short and sweet
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brief but pleasant (usu ironic)
status symbol
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property/possession that shows sb's high social rank wealth etc
take things to pieces
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dismantle things
throw a party
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have/ hold a party
white elephant
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useless/ unwanted possession
an unknown quantity
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person or thing that one has no experience of
as a last resort
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when all else has failed
at close quarters
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from a short distance
be in a quandary
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be confused; undecided
beg the question
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makes people want to ask a particular question
call it quits
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give up/ stop
cut sb to the quick
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deeply hurt sb's feelings
hit the roof
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get very angry
in a rut
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be stuck in a monotonous routine
in the long run
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after a long period of time
it stands to reason
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it is logical
keep sth quiet
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keep the secret
know the ropes
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know all the details of sth
off the record
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on the quiet
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open to debate
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not decided/ settled
out of the question
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put down roots
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settle down
work to rule
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adhere strickly to the rules as a form of protest
rack sb's brains
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think very hard about sth
a long shot
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a wild guess/a risk
a memory like a sieve
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a poor memory
be all at the sea
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be in a state of confusion
be in sb's shoes
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be in sb's position
be in the same boat
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be in the same (usu bad) situation
be the spitting image of sb
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look exactly like sb
be/get soaked to the skin
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be/get very wet
be/have a close shave
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barely avoid an accident/ a bad situation

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