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covered with bruises
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black and blue all over
on the whole (w sumie)
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by and large
za kratkami
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behind bars
very lively
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full of beans
popełnić gafę
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drop a brick
fed up (znudzony)
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browned off
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a brainwave
nagle, znienacka
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out of the blue
wyjść na zero
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break even
very expensive
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cost a bomb
owijać w bawełnę
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beat around the bush
wziąć byka za rogi
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take the bull by the horns
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ring a bell
make public
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lay a bare
favoured person
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golden boy/ blue-eyed boy
uncertain (w niepewnosci)
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in the balance
być bankrutem
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be broke
out of favour (czarna lista)
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be in sb’s black books
confess (wyznawac)
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to make a clean breast of
grom z jasnego nieba
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a bolt from the blue
in writing (czarno na bialym)
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in black and white
get revenge
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get one’s own back
sprawić, by czyjaś krew zagotowała
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make someone’s blood boil
poczuć coś w swoich kościach
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feel sth in one’s bones
have a false idea about sth
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barking up the wrong tree
reveal one’s character
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show one’s true colors
hopeless situation
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lost cause
przewodniczyc spotkanie
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chair a meeting
slighty unwell
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off color
być nie w sosie (dosł. być pod pogodą)
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to be under the weather
miec tupet
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have a cheek
get angry
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get a bit hot under the collar
glowa do gory!
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keep one’s chin up
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with flying colors
very different
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different as chalk and cheese
insult sb
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call sb names
act cleverly
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play one’s card right
motyką na słońce / daremny trud
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a wild-goose chase
być złapany na gorącym uczynku
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be caught red-handed
krokodyle łzy
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crocodile tears
łatwizna, bulka z maslem
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a piece of cake
na marne
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down the drain
not cheerful
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down in the dumps
zejść na psy
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go to the dogs
important day
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a red-letter day
make sth less enjoyable
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put a damper on
nie wiedziec czegos
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be in the dark about sth
nie porzucaj swojej codziennej pracy
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don’t give up your day job
w biały dzień
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in broad daylight
zadać cios sb
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deal a blow to sb
być w defensywie, protect oneself
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be on the defensive
zgodnie z definicją
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by definition
podlizywac sie
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butter up the boss
nie spodziewaj sie zbyt wiele
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don’t hold your breath
pozbyc sie kogos
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see the back
very long time
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for donkey’s years
exactly on time
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on the dot
listen to sb carefully
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lend an ear
grać ze słuchu
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play it by ear
wyluzować, zwolnic
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ease off
at the forefront of (technology)
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at the cutting edge
na skraju
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on edge
bez skutku
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to no effect
(dis)agree with sb (in opinion)
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(not) see eye to eye with someone
mieć oko do czegos
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have an eye on
dalej niz siega wzrok
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more to sth than meets the eye
miej oko na coś
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keep an eye for sth
byc zielonym, unexperienced
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be green
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take it easy
have a feeling that sb is talking abut you
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fell one’s ears burning
zachować powagę
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keep a straight face
be very tired
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be worn out
family member
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one’s flesh and blood
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in a flash
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fair and square
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put one’s foot down
nieproszeni goście
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zle cos rozpoczac
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got off on the wrong foot
nie doceniac kogos
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take sb for granted
many more opportunities for love
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there are plenty more fish in the sea
miec gadane
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have the gift of the gab
po chinsku
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it’s all greek to me
hear sth indriectly
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hear sth throught the grapevine
zakochac sie na zaboj
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fall head over heels in love
strzelic gafe
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put one’s foot in it
inability to speak bc of nervousness
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have a frog in one’s throat

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