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strzał w stopę (samobój)
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to shoot oneself in the foot
He shot himself in the foot when he decided to cut on public spending - he lost the support immediately.
strzelić gafę
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commit a blunder
He committed a blunder asking Sue about her husband, while everybody knows that she is divorced.
swobodny, wyluzowany, luźny
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free and easy
I don't mind going to work as the atmosphere in my office is free and easy.
szczególny dzień
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red-letter day
Tomorrow is my red-letter day - I am getting promoted.
szkodzić np. firmie, w której samemu się pracuje
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to rock the boat
I don't know what he is up to but he rocks the boat! Somebody should tell him it will do him no good.
śmiertelnie przerażony
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scared to death
Last night I was scared to death when I discovered that someone was following me.
świetnie sie dogadywać
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to get on like a house on fire
Tom and Jerry get on like a house on fire. They've been friends for years.
świetnie się bawić (zwykle chodząc od baru do baru)
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to paint the town red
Let's paint the town red, boys! That was a difficult test and we all did well. We need to celebrate it.
świetnie się bawić, przeżywać coś bardzo miłego
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to have the time of one's life
I took my kids to Disneyland last summer and they had the time of their lives.
świetny, doskonały
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out of this world
This restaurant is rather expensive but the food is really out of this world!
teoretycznie, w teorii
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in theory
His plans always sound great in theory but they don't work in practice.
teraz albo nigdy
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it's now or never
If you really want to speak to me, it's now or never. I'm leaving tomorrow.
to jest z góry przesądzone
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it's a foregone conclusion
Who was to win this match was a foregone conclusion. The team is the national representation after all...
to konieczność (koniecznie trzeba zobaczyć, przeczytać, etc)
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It's a must
This movie is a must! It's a breakthrough in Hollywood business.
to mój problem, nic ci do tego
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that's my funeral
You eat too much! You will put on weight!' 'That's my funeral...'
to oczywiste, nie ma dwóch zdań
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it goes without saying
Oh, Amy you should marry him! It goes without saying.
trafić w sedno
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hit the nail on the head
Right! Nothing to add! You've just hit the nail on the head!
traktować kogoś jak śmiecia
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to treat someone like dirt
I can't believe that Mark is still with Ann - she treats him like dirt!
traktować kogoś/coś poważnie
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to take sb/sth seriously
Don't take everything he says seriously; he jokes a lot.
trzymać coś w tajemnicy
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keep sth under one's hat
They tried to keep it under their hat but it soon became obvious that she is pregnant.
trzymać kciuki
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to keep sb's fingers crossed
Good luck! I will keep my fingers crossed.
trzymać na dystans, nie dopuszczać do siebie
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keep sth/sb at bay
He always tries to keep his troubles at bay when he is on holiday.
trzymać się z daleka
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steer away from
If I were you I would steer away from this guy. He is a womaniser - don't waste your time with him.
twardy orzech do zgryzienia
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a tough nut to crack
This project turned out to be a tough nut to crack.
twardy, nie okazujący emocji
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as hard as nails
My supervisor is very kind to me but my boss is as hard as nails.
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in the interim
I'll be back in few minutes. In the interim please read the extract from the novel.
uderzająco podobny do kogoś
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spitting image of sb
Believe it or not but he is the spitting image of Dan Ackroyd.
uderzyć do głowy
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go to somebody's head
Power and success went to his head - he no longer comes to our parties.
udzielić komuś reprymendy
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to throw the book at someone
My boss threw the book at me for not correcting the report properly.
ujawnić jakieś fakty, informację
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to bring sth to light
My last conversation with Mary brought to light many things about our relationship which I hadn't realized before.
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a blue-eyed boy
Tom was always jealous of his younger brother because he knew Jack was their mother's blue-eyed boy.
umrzeć, przekręcić się, 'gryźć ziemię'
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to bite the dust
John was already when he bit the dust.
uparty jak osioł
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as stubborn as a mule
I was trying to make my father go to a doctor at last but he's as stubborn as a mule.
upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu
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to kill two birds with one stone
By enrolling her son in a hobby class Mary has killed two birds with one stone. Not only is he learning something useful but he is also watching less TV.
uporczywy ból głowy
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nagging headache
Jonathan is overworked. That's why he suffers from these nagging headaches so often.
urządzić przyjęcie, imprezę
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to throw a party
We're throwing a party for Jim's birthday next week.
uspokajać kogoś
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ease sb's mind
The doctor tried to ease his mind about his daughter's illness.
utrzymać coś w tajemnicy
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to keep sth quiet
I didn't want to worry my sick mother and I managed to keep my divorce quiet for some time.
Uważaj jak idziesz!
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Watch your step!
Watch your step! The floor is very slippery.
w Anglii - drugi dzień Świąt Bożego Narodzenia
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Boxing Day
Boxing Day - the day after Christmas, which is a public holiday in the UK, or the first Monday after Christmas if Christmas is on Friday or Saturday. It is called 'Boxing Day' because traditionally it was the day when servants were given a 'Christmas box'
w dobrej wierze
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in good faith
The information is provided in good faith, however we accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the information.
w głębi duszy
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at heart
She said she trusted him but at heart she knew he was lying.
w ostatniej chwili
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at the eleventh hour
We were so nervous that he would miss the train but he, as usual, arrived to the railway station at the eleventh hour.
w ostatniej chwili, bezzwłocznie
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at short notice
I'm so sorry I ask you for help at such short notice but I didn't realize this project would be so demanding.
w pewnym sensie
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in a sense
In a sense she's right, but I still don't understand her point of view.
w podróży
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on the road
Steve's job involves being on the road six days a week.
w pośpiechu
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in haste
I'm writing in haste to let you know that I won't come on Friday.
w praniu
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in the wash
Oh, I can't put on my red skirt! It's in the wash.
w sprzedaży, na rynku
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on the market
At the moment this is the best camera on the market.
w szczerym polu
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in the middle of nowhere
Tom didn't take the map with him so after several hours of going in circles we ended up in the middle of nowhere.
w zdrobnieniu
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for short
Her name's Diana or Di for short.
w złym guście
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in bad taste
Their house is decorated in such bad taste - where did they get the idea of buying these mock rococo chairs to the living room?
wbić komuś nóż w plecy
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to stab sb in the back
I thought I can trust him! And he went to the head office and told them everything - he stabbed me in the back!
wbijać komuś coś do głowy
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to hammer sth into someone
My brother and I always had it hammered into us that we should respect old people.
wciskać gaz do dechy, palić gumy
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to burn rubber
He has got another ticket! He simply can't drive if he doesn't burn rubber!
wiązać koniec z końcem
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to make ends meet
They're really poor; it's hard for them to make ends meet.
widzieć białe myszki
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see pink elephants
Tim has a drinking problem. He drinks till he sees pink elephants.
wieczór kawalerski
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a stag party/night
Forget about your wives! It's strictly a stag party.
wielka szycha
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a big noise
This guy is said to be a big noise in drug trafficking. The police have been after him for a long time.
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on horseback
Travelling on horseback took days and one could never be sure that they would reach their destination.
wierzchołek góry lodowej
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the tip of the iceberg
The problems we've already experienced are just the tip of the iceberg, I'm afraid.
wilk syty i owca cała; mieć ciastko i zjeść ciastko
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have your cake and eat it
You can't have your cake and eat it. If you want high quality you have to pay for it.
wisielczy humor
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gallows humour
The 'Pythons' are famous for their gallows humour.
wpaść w złe, nieodpowiednie ręce
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to fall into the wrong hands
I'm looking for someone responsible to take my puppy; I won't let it fall into the wrong hands.
wrabiać kogoś
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to frame / to be framed
Who Framed Roger Rabbit is my favourite movie from the nineties.
wróżyć z ręki
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read sb's hand
She wanted the Gypsy woman to read her hand and find out about her future.
wstać lewą nogą
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get up on the wrong side of the bed
You'd better avoid Mark today - he got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
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rise and shine
Come on! Rise and shine. We've got to leave now.
wszelkimi sposobami, za wszelka cenę
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by all means
By all means this guy should work for us - he is the best specialist I have ever seen!
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high and low
We've searched high and low for this book.

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