Interface3, Unit 2 - Functional language

 0    8 schede    magdalenamajkowska
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Czym mogę służyc?
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Can I help you?
Ten/ta jest w promocji.
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This one's on special offer.
Proszę. (podając cos komuś)
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Proszę. (podając cos komuś) in inglese
Here you are.
To będzie zatem 50 Euro.
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That's €50 then, please.
Szukam dobrego telefonu
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I'm looking for a good mobile phone.
Czy mogę zobaczyć ten / tamten / inny?
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Can I see it/ that one/ another one?
Ile to kosztuje?
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How much is it?
Wezmę ten / tamten / ten drugi.
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I'll take this / that / the other one.

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