Irael’s economy slump 19.4%

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take a toll/a heavy toll
Israel’s economy slumps 19.4% in the fourth quarter as war takes a toll.
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(idiom) to have a bad effect on somebody/something; to cause a lot of damage, deaths, pain, etc.
on an annualized basis
GDP plunged 19.4% on an annualized basis compared with the July-to-September quarter.
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đã được làm tròn theo năm
Fixed investment by businesses tumbled 67.8%, driven by a near-halt in residential building resulting from military call-ups and a reduction in Palestinian workers.
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(noun) suspending
đình trệ
Fixed investment by businesses tumbled 67.8%, driven by a near-halt in residential building resulting from military call-ups and a reduction in workers.
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(noun) an order to join the armed forces

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