Iwka 28th June 2015 (1 hour)

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tub / bathtub
dla ścisłości
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to be precise
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comfortable / comfy
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obracać się, kręcić się, wirować
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to spin
Kręci mi się w głowie.
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I'm dizzy
zalecać się do kogoś
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to pick sb up / to hit on sb
trzeć / pocierać
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to rub
doić krowę
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to milk a cow
dowiedzieć się
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to find out
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to pass away / to die
przydać się
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to come in handy
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Być może on cię oszukał.
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He may have pranked you.
Być może on zdradził swoją żonę.
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he may have cheated on his wife.
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the Netherlands
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bezokolicznik bez TO
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a bare infifinitive
uprawiać jogę
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to do yoga
szerzyć wieści
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spread the word
mimo że
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despite / in spite of / although / though
We enjoyed our camping holiday in spite of the rain. / Despite the pain in his leg he completed the marathon. / The holiday was great although the hotel wasn’t very nice.
mimo że
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despite of the fact that ... / in spite of the fact that...
Despite the fact that he worked very hard, he didn’t manage to pass the exam. / In spite of the fact that he worked very hard, he didn’t manage to pass the exam.
mimo że
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even though
We decided to buy the house even though we didn’t really have enough money.
Even though is a slightly stronger form of although.

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