iwka 31st July 2014

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Domanda Risposta
pracowita pszczółka
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busy bee
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pół dnia
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half a day
czy zajęte? np. miejsce, stolik
zajęta (toaleta), wolna (toaleta)
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is it taken?
engaged, vacant
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to switch on = to turn on
Jak sobie dajesz radę w nowej pracy?
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How are you getting on IN your new job?
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to oversleep
być spóźnionym do pracy
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to be late FOR work
zadzwonić o budziku
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to go off
My alarm didn't go off that's why I'm late for work.
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the last B is silent!
nastawiać budzik/ alarm
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to set the alarm (clock)
być w stanie coś zrobić
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to be capable OF (doing) sth
We can use 'COULD HAVE' to talk about something somebody was capable of doing but didn't do.
oszukać kogoś
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to deceive sb, to trick sb
He had been deceived by a young man claiming to be the son of a millionaire.
oszukiwać, ściągać
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to cheat
Don't look at my cards - that's cheating.
zdradzić kogoś
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to cheat ON sb
He cheated on his wife twice.
Oszukano mnie.
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I was completely taken in.
większość studentów/uczniów
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most students (in general)
większość studentów/uczniów
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most of THE students (specific group)
prawie nigdy tego nie nosisz
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you hardly ever wear it
rzucić np. szkołę
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to drop out
Bill dropped out of college after his first year.
to jest zakazane
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it's forbidden
It is forbidden to smoke at school.
zapisać się na coś
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to register / to sing up / to enrol FOR
punkt orientacyjny, charakterystyczny obiekt
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something that is easy to recognize, such as a tall tree or building, and that helps you know where you are
podniecać kogoś
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to turn on
Emil is the only guy who turns me on.

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