Izabela 31st Jan 2017 #5

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Domanda Risposta
wykończony / bardzo zmęczony
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exhausted / worn out / knackered (BrE; informal) / shattered
I've been running for one hour and now I'm completely worn out.
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The president was elected for a term of five years.
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nursery school
odkładać coś na później (z lenistwa)
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to procrastinate
to put sth off / to postpone sth
osoba (często aktor/ka) lepsza od całej reszty
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osoba (często aktor/ka) gorsza od całej reszty
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stracić kontakt z kimś
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to lose touch with sb
nie być w kontakcie
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to be out of touch
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oddać komuś hołd, cześć
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to pay TRIBUTE to sb / sth
The crowd stood in silent tribute to those who had died in the war.
At her funeral her oldest friend paid tribute to her life and work.
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spectacles / specs
a pair of spectacles
realizować marzenia
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to realise your dreams
She never realized her ambition of becoming a professional singer.
wiązać koniec z końcem
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to make ends meet
muzyka na żywo
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live music
na widowni
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in the audience
na ekranie
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on the screen
żyli długo i szczęśliwie
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they lived happily ever after
cierpieć na raka
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to suffer from cancer
pociąg towarowy
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fraight train
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drogą morską
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by sea
droga powietrzną
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by air
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to keep up with the demand
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