Jarek 21st March 2017 #12

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Jaka jest dzisiaj pogoda w Wilnie?
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What's the weather LIKE in Vilnius today?
Jaki on jest?
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What's he like?
Jacy są twoi rodzice?
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What are your parents like?
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wykreślić coś
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to cross sth out
Źle się czuję dzisiaj.
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I'm feeling unwell today.
Mam wysoką temperaturę.
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I have a high fever.
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to play truant BrE / to play hooky AmE
Dzień Wagarowicza
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Truant's Day
Poszliśmy na wycieczkę...
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We went on a trip to Vilnius University.
Vilnius Univeristy (the University of Vilnius)) / Warsaw University (the Uni of Warsaw) / Cambridge University (the Uni of Cambridge)
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Vilnius the University (the University of Vilnius)) / Warsaw University (the Union of Warsaw) / Cambridge University (the Uni of Cambridge)
Politechnika (Polibuda)
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Technical University
iść do kościoła
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to go to church
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to borrow sth FROM sb
pożyczyć coś komuś
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to lend sth to sb - lent - lent
Can you lend me a pen?
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around / approximately (approx.)
na przeciwko
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Czy mogę ci pomóc?
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Shall I give you a hand?
to help sb
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to give sb a hand
Ona powiedziała, że kupiła samochód.
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She said she'D bought a car.
Ona poweidziała, że wyszli na miasto minionej nocy.
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She said that they had gone out last night

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