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Domanda Risposta
waiter, could you please bring me my bill, please?
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Kelner, czy mógłbyś mi przynieść rachunek, proszę?
Waiter, can I see menu, please
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Kelnerze, czy mogę zobaczyć menu, proszę
This fish is not what I have ordered
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Nie zamówiłem tej ryby.
keep on eye on the milk
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Uważaj na mleko
milk might boil over and make a mess on the cooker
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Mleko może zagotować i zalać kuchenkę
a loaf of bread
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a loaf of bread in inglese
bochenek chleba
a can of beer
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puszka piwa
a jar of coffee
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słoik kawy
a bunch of grapes
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kiść winogron
the smell of garlic wears out after a while
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Zapach czosnku ułatnia sie po chwili
poached eggs
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jajka w koszulkach
mashed potatoes
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tłuczone ziemniaki
leave a tip
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zostawić napiwek
do not feel up to eating something
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nie czuje sie na siłach aby zjeść
stale bread
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chleb czerstwy

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