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jest strasznie zimno
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its freezing
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to freeze - froze - frozen
te warzywa są zamrożone
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these vegetables are frozen
te warzywa były zamarznięte
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these vegetables were frozen
Ten list został wczoraj wysłany.
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This letter was sent yesterday.
Tamta książka została napiana dwa lata temu.
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That book was written two years ago.
Nie mam nic przeciwko
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I dont mind
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Możesz zatrzymać
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You can keep this kitten.
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to obey the rules
łamać zasady
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to break the rules
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to bend - bent - bent
naginać zasady
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to bend the rules
w ostatnim zdaniu
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in the last sentence
czarny koń
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dark horse
to jest łatwe
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its a piece of cake = its easy
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pozwalać komuś coś zrobić
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to allow sb to do sth
zapalić światło
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My sister alllowed me to drive her car.
zgasić światło
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to switch the light off
zapalić światło
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to switch the light on
Nie pozwoliła mi zjeść tego ciasta.
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She didnt allow me to eat this cake.
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w zamian za coś
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in return for something
umowa najmu
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jak zawsze
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as always, as ever
nie wolno nam trzymać zwierząt w mieszkaniu
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were not allowed animals in the flat
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to support
w twoim przypadku
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in your case
ale to nie znaczy
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że chcę tego teraz, but it doesnt mean that I want it now
w moim przypadku
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in my case
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to call, to phone
Czy mogłabyś do mnie zadzwonić?
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Could you call me?
Zapomniałam zadzwonic do mamy.
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I forgot TO call my mom.
podoba mi się
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I like it
kontynuować robienie czegoś
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to keep doing something
cofnąć czas
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to turn back the clock
pordóżować w czasie
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to travel in time
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to improve
do usłyszenia w przyszłym tygodniu
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talk to you next week

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