justina 28th Jan 2015

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to pretend to do something/ to pretend that...
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o wiele wcześniej
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much earlier
przez długi czas
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for a long time
He's been working there for a long time.
to podejrzane
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it's suspicious/fishy
There's something very fishy ABOUT him.
ukończyć studia
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to graduate FROM sth
ukończenie wyższych studiów
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a suffix
szukać czegoś
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to look for sth
znalezienie pracy zajęło mi około dwa miesiące
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it took me around two months to find a job
Napisanie tego egzaminu zajęło mu jedną godzinę.
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It took him one hour to write this exam.
Czego szukasz?
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what are you looking for?
przed moim komputerem
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in front of my computer
przeznaczyć na coś czas
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to devote sth (time) TO sth (looking for a job / learning a language)
I devoted a lot of time and energy to this project.
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przejść przez odprawę celną
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to go through customs
Przepraszam nie zrozumiałam tego
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I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.
pracownik celny
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customs officer
mieć na coś pozwolenie
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to be allowed to do sth
nie wolno tu palić
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you are not allowed to smoke here.
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schować / ukrywać coś
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to hide sth - hid - hidden

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