Justina 29th April 2015

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Przepraszam, że nie zadzwoniłam do ciebie.
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I'm sorry for not calling you
Przepraszam, że nie zapdzwoniłam do ciebie.
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I'm sorry I didn't call you
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to knock
Ile zapłaciłaś za ten krem?
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how much did you
Ile kosztuje ten krem?
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how much is this cream? / How much DOES this cream cost?
ile to kosztuje?
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How much does it cost? / How much is it?
Ile zapłaciłaś za ten krem?
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How much did you pay for this cream?
odebrałam telefon
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I picked it up / I answered it
oddzwonię później
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I'll call back later
nie zapomnij do mnie oddzwonić
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Don't forget to call me back
Czy widziałaś kiedyś wodospad?
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Have you ever seen a waterfall?
książka po rosyjsku
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a book in Russian
przykryj się
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cover up
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surowy klimat
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harsh climate
ściąć coś
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to chop sth down
główne źródło energii
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the main source of energy
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prmie minister
zorza polarna
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aurora / the Northern Lights
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to zależy
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it depends
to fire sb
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zwolnić kogoś
W zeszłym tygodniu zostałam zwolniona.
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Last week was/got fired.
czy to brzmi znajomo?
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does it ring a bell?
zostać zwolnionym
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to give sb THE sack / to get the sack (for sth)
He got the sack for stealing.
zwolnić kogoś
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to make redundant
Seventy factory workers were made redundant in the resulting cuts.

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