justina 5th March 2014

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Domanda Risposta
jestem gotowa
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I'm ready
czy ona jest gotowa?
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is she ready?
to jest dobre pytanie
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it is a good question
nie chodze na basen w dni robocze
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I don't go to the pool on weekdays
on postara sie naprawic nasz samochod
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He will try to fix our car.
On naprawia stare meble.
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He repairs old furniture.
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vehicle (car, bus, trolleybus)
naprawiać (maszyne, pojazd)
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to repair, to fix
naprawić, zalatac dziure
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to repair, to mend
oni przyjechali pociagiem
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They came by train
twoje stopy smierdza
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your feet stink
twoja stopa smierdzi
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your foot stinks
nie zapomnij zamknac drzwi na klucz
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don't forget to lock the door
ile kwiatkow masz na parapecie
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How many plants do you have on the windowsill?
czy mnie slyszysz?
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can you you hear me? / do you hear me?
Czy poznalas kiedys kogos online?
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Have you ever met anyone online?
Czy kiedykolwiek czytalas te ksiazke?
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Have you ever you read this book?
czy kiedykolwiek widzialas ten film?
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Have you ever seen this movie?
czy ona kiedykolwiek jadla slimaki?
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Has she ever eaten snails?
byc z kims w kontakcie
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to keep in touch with sb, to be in touch with sb, to stay in touch with sb
portale społecznościowe
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social networking sites
oszczedzac pieniadze / oszczedzac czas
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to save money / to save time
dzieki czemus
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thanks to sth
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gasoline / petrol
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w dzisiejszych czasach
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nowadays, these days
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w prawdziwym zyciu
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in real life
być za granicą
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to be aborad
ty biedaczku!
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poor you!
o ile wiem
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as far as I know
agencja nieruchomości
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real estate agency
w dobrym stanie
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in a good condition
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wynajmować (mieszkanie)
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to rent (flat)
kawalerka, mieszkanie jednopokojowe
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studio (flat), bachelor flat
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advertisement, advert, ad
zakwaterowanie, miejsce do spania
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na drugim piętrze
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on the second floor
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czy to mieszkanie jest umeblowane?
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is the apartment furnished?
miejsce parkingowe
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parking space
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musisz zaplacic za trzy miesiace z gory
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you have to pay for three months in advance
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list motywacyjny
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cover letter

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