Kasia 10th Jan 2014 (2 hours) (2)

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Domanda Risposta
Boli mnie gardło.
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I have a sore throat.
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Czy to istotne? Czy to ma znaczenie?
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Is it relevant?
Mam nadzieję, że zdasz ten egzamin.
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I hope you pass this exam.
Mam nadzieję, że osiągniesz wszystkie swoje cele.
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I hope you achieve all your goals.
Czekam na to od pół roku.
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I've been waiting for it for half a year.
przede wszystkim
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first of all
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New Year's Eve
Gdybym nie skończyła studiów, nie poznałabym mojego męża.
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If I hadn't finishED my studies, I wouldn't have met my husband.
zepsuć imprezę
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to spoil a party
była bójka
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there was a fight
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fire station
a building where the equipment used to stop fires burning is kept, and where firefighters stay until they are needed
uderzyć kogoś
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to hit someone / to punch sb
wkurzyć kgoś
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to piss sb off
oni nie mieli świadomości co się zdarzyło
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they were not aware of the situation
pracować nad czymś
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to work on sth
wytrzymałość, kondycja
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w czasie weekendu
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at the weekend
szykować się do pracy
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to get ready for work
postanowić coś zrobić
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to resolve TO do sth
po kolei
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first things first
used to say that something should be done or dealt with first because it is the most important
wysuszyć coś
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to dry sth
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opłacać rachunki
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to pay the bills
phone/electricity/gas/water etc bill
Have you paid the phone bill?
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kanapka z serem
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cheese sandwich
zamieścić coś w internecie
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to post sth on the Internet
być przebranym za coś / kogoś
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to be dressed up as...
pokonać kogoś
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to trump sb
zbić fortunę
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to make a fortune
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mistletoe (U)
a plant with small white berries, which grows on trees. It is traditional to kiss people under a piece of mistletoe at Christmas
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wszystko dobre, co się dobrze kończy
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all’s well that ends well
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THE Atlantic Ocean
Ocean Spokojny
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THE Pacific Ocean
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a tie / a draw (BrE)
This game resulted in a tie. / ended in a tie.
Jan Paweł II
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John Paul II (the second)

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