Kasia 15th April 2015

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Gdy byłam nastolatką miałam krótkie włosy.
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I used to have short hair when I was a teenager.
Zanim doznała kontuzji ramienia, uwielbiała grać w badmintona.
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She used to love playing badminton before she hurt her shoulder.
On kiedyś chodził wzdłuż plaży przed pójściem spać.
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He would walk along the beach every evening before bed
Twoja torebka może być w dużym pokoju.
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Your purse might be in the living room
MIGHT is used to express possibilities
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Gdybym nie musiała pracować, być może poszłabym z tobą.
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If I didn't have to work, I might go with you.
MIGHT is used in conditional sentences
Gdybym wzięła udział w konkursie, być może wygrałabym.
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If I had entered the contest, I might actually have won.
MIGHT have + III is used in conditional sentences
Możesz pójść do ogrodu botanicznego w czasie swojej wizyty.
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You might visit the botanical gardens during your visit.
MIGHT is used to suggest sth
Czy mogę pożyczyć twój długopis?
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Might I borrow your pen?
MIGHT is used to ask for sth / to request
Siostra napisała do mnie smsa, gdy gotowałam.
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When I was cooking my sister texted me.
interrupted action
Widziałam dużo filmów ostatnio.
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I've seen a lot of films recently.
RECENTLY is used in the Present Perfect (Continuous)
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Czy biegałaś? (Wyglądasz na zmęczoną)
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Have you been running? (You look really tired)
use the Present Perfect (Continuous) when you have a visible proof of sth
Gdy przyjechałam na lotnisko, samolot już odleciał.
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When I arrived at the airport, the plane had already left.
use Past Perfect when sth happened before sth in the past

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