Kasia 18th Nov 2016

 0    28 schede    engonskype
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czternastoletnia dziewczyna
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a 14-year-old girl
pięciogwiazdkowy hotel
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5-star hotel
porzucić kogoś
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to abandon sb
an abandoned castle
The baby had been abandoned by its mother.
wychowywać kogoś
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to raise sb
a drugi (z dwóch)
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and the other one
One jeżdżą do swojej mamy raz w roku.
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They GO to their mum's once a year.
to się nie opłaca
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it doesn't pay off
wyobrażać sobie
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Ona kiedyś mieszkała na Śląsku.
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She used to live in Sląsk.
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the Netherlands
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on jest agresywny
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he's violent
przemoc domowa
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domestic violence
wiązać koniec z koniec
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to make ends meet
wbrew przeciwnościom losu
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against all odds
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child support / (child) maintenance BrE
They have to find the fathers who abandon their children and make them pay maintenance.
But we have no right to force collection of child support for the kids.
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overwhelmed BY sth
She was overwhelmed by feelings of guilt.
od czasu do czasu
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every now and then
Co tu jest napisanie?
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What does it say?
Nie wiem co tu jest napisane.
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I don't know what it says.
One zawsze przysyłają mi te pytania.
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They are always sending me all these questions.
ALWAYS + the Present Continuous to express annoyance
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Nie polecam tego filmu.
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I wouldn't recommend this film.
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jeździć na nartach
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to ski / to go skiing
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o kulach
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ON crutches

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