Katia 4th August 2014

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wrócić do czegoś
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to get back to sth
I'll get back to you next week.
dotrzymać komuś towarzystwa
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to keep one's company
Rita's husband is away for the week, so I thought I'd go over and keep her company (=be with her so that she doesn't feel lonely).
Lubię przebywać w towarzystwie James'a.
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James is good company (=a cheerful person who is enjoyable to be with).
nad jeziorem / nad rzeką / nad morzem
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by the lake / by the river / by the sea
brzeg rzeki
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brzeg rzeki in inglese
riverbank, bank
the banks of the Thames
dwie i pół godziny
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two and A half hours
cel podróży
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Gdzie jedziesz? Dokąd lecisz?
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What's your destination?
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to divide
The book is divided into six sections.

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