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have a drink
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napić się
have a rest
We don't have to hurry up - let's have a rest.
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make a difference
Even a small donation will make a difference. It will help us.
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stanowić różnicę; sprawiać różnicę
keep a promise
Obama Did Not Keep His Promise To Home Owners. I did not keep my promise to go home early
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dotrzymać obietnicy
keep an appointment
For the third time in a row, she had failed to keep her appointment
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iść na umówione spotkanie.
Keep the change!
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reszty nie trzeba!
keep forgeting
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wciąż zapominać, nigdy nie pamiętać
keep smiling
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głowa do góry!
don`t let me keep you
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nie chcę cię zatrzymywać
take your time
The builders are really taking their time.
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nie śpieszyć się
spare time
I wish I had more spare time.
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wolny czas
Chciałbym mieć więcej wolnego czasu.
time goes by
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czas mija, czas płynie
come to an agreement
At last we come to an agreement
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dojść do porozumienia
come to a decision
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podjąć decyzję
come to an end
My stay here slowly coming to the end
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dobiega końca
come to terms with
We hope they can come to terms before the court date.
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pogodzić się (z kimś), porozumieć
come to a standstill
Italy's industrial heartland came to a standstill as floodwaters blocked more than 170 roads.
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stanąć, zatrzymać się

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