Language features - definition GCSE English

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Domanda English Risposta English
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an image which compares two using like or as
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an image which compares two things without using like or as
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an image which gives human qualities to non-human things
Choice of words (vocabulary)
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using more unusual or specialized or technical words
use of slang
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most likely used in direct speech
use of direct or indirect speech
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quoting or reporting spoken words
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deliberate exaggeration (wyolbrzymienie)
use of multiple adjectives or adverbs
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the adjectives give more information about the noun and the adverbs about the verbs
rhetorical question
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a question that does not expect an answer from the reader or audience
use of first and second person pronoun
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1st person singular = I, me, my, mine, Plural = we, us, our, ours 2nd person singular and plural = you, your, yours
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use of an object (concrete noun) to represent some emotion of belief system or other abstract noun
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objects/reasons/parts of a whole, etc. are listed - in text, usually with commas seperating them; in adverbs/web pages or text, can be bullet points
emotive language
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choice of words which have specifically intended emotional effects or are intended to evoke (przyłowyłac) an emotional response in the reades
use of numbers/ statistic
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ex. thousands died and hundreds of thousands are homeless
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repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of words - usually close in succession
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words sound like the sounds they name
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repeating the same or nearly the same words for effect
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repetition of s sounds
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to a meaning that is implied by a word apart from the thing which it describes explicitly. Words carry cultural and emotional associations or meanings in addition to their literal meanings or denotations.
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Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two opposite ideas are joined to create an effect. The common oxymoron phrase is a combination of an adjective proceeded by a noun with contrasting meanings, e.g. “cruel kindness” or “living death”.
Pathetic fallacy
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is a literary device that attributes human qualities and emotions to inanimate objects of nature. The word “pathetic” in the term is not used in the derogatory sense of being miserable; rather, here, it stands for “imparting emotions to something else”.
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literary device which is usually an adjective or adverb used to distinguish an object from three or more others of its type.

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