lekcja 54

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Gdzie ty chodzisz kupować owoce?
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Where do you go to buy fruit?
Gdzie jest basen pływacki? Jest z przodu centrum sportowego.
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Where is the swimming pool? It is at the front of the sports center.
Gdzie jest kino? Jest obok marketu.
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Where is cinema? It is next to the market.
Gdzie jest bank? Jest obok biblioteki.
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Where is the bank? It is next to the library.
Gdzie jest centrum handlowe? Jest obok przystanku autobusowego.
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Where is the shop center? It's nextto the bus stp.
Gdzie jest supermarket? Jest pod parkiem.
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Where is the supermarket? It's under the park.
Gdzie jest szpital?
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Where is the hospital?
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a temperature
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a cold
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a shivers
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a cough
ból głowy
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a headache
ból zęba
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a toothache
ból brzucha
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a stomach-ache
ból pleców
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a backache
ból ucha
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an earache

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