Lessons 49 & 50 - 08.01.2018

 0    17 schede    Agnieszka Gie
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Domanda Risposta
break the leg
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złamać nogę
burn the finger
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oparzyć palec
twist the ankle
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skręcić kostkę
hit the head
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uderzyć się w głowę
hurt the back
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zrani sobie plecy
bruise the eye
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podbić sobie oko
Have you heard about Tom?
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Czy słyszałeś o Tomie?
What a pity!
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Jaka szkoda!
My godness!
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Mój Boże!
Poor thing!
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That's a shame!
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Jaka szkoda!
Are you kidding?
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Żartujesz sobie?
I made it myself.
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Sam to zrobiłem.
I've cut myself.
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Zraniłam się.
Did you do it youself?
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Zrobiłeś to sam?
She enjoyed herself.
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Dobrze się bawiła.
so far
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do tej pory, jak dotąd

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