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Hi Julia,
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Many thanks for your letter, it was great to hear from you.
It’s really good news that you and Tony have decided to open a club.
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Dreams come true!
It’s a good idea to see how some clubs work and to get some experience.
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If you come to Poland for your next holiday from the first to the fifteenth of July, you can stay in my house.
I will take two weeks of vacation and it will be a pleasure for me to spend some time with you.
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I think the best way to find out what kind of music young people listen to is to ask my children and their friends, when you visit us.
Do you remember my daughter and my son?
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They will be at home in July and you will be able to talk to them about the music they listen to.
You can also visit a few local clubs to learn about the music they play.
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I can recommend two clubs near my house, we can walk there during the week on foot.
And there are also two clubs in the city which we can visit at the weekend.
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But if you don’t want to visit so many clubs that I recommend, we can choose one in the city and we will go there.
Write to me soon what you think about these ideas.
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The bad news is that I won’t be able to visit you in November because of my work.
But I promise I will come as soon as possible.
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Please write soon. All the best. Monika.

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