Lukasz 9th Feb 2017

 0    25 schede    engonskype
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Domanda Risposta
wyczerpany / bardzo zmęczony
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worn out / exhausted
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wsiadać do samolotu
wysiadać z samolotu
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to get on the plane
to get off the plane
Jestem w samolocie.
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I'm one the plane.
w autobusie
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on the bus
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to do some sightseeing
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We did some sightseeing.
To może zająć dużo czasu.
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It might/ can take a lot of time.
w pobliżu
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in the vicinity
Nie zapomnij zabrać kluczy.
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Don't forget TO take the kyes.
robić pranie
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to do THE laundry
Ten film był taki nudny.
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This film was SO boring.
It was such a boring film.
Zajmę się tym. / Rozwiąże ten problem.
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I'll sort it out. / I'll deal with it.
założyć np. firmę
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to set sth up
podkreślić coś / wskazać coś
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to point sth out
przeprowadzić ankietę
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to carry out a survey
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przeprowadzić śledztwo
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to carry an investigation
zniechęcać kogoś
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to put sb off
The cost of the trip put me off.
witamy w...
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Welcome + TO...
to zależy od...
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it depends ON...
w kwietniu
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IN April
w nocy
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at night
w przyszłym tygodniu
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next week

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