M_ICR_comics 2

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Duck. Hello! I'm a duckling! I'm very brave! What is this? This is an egg! And who is there in the egg?
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Утенок видит яйцо
Chick. It's me! Duck. Hello! Chick. Hello! Who are you? Duck. I'm a duckling, Who are you? Chick. I don't know! May be I'm a duckling too!
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Цыпленок вылупляется из яйца
Duck. Can you swim like me? Chick. I don't know! Let me try! Oh, no! I can't swim! Duck. Then you are not a duck! Chick. So, who am I? Duck. May be you are a rabbit! Go and ask the rabbit!
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Цыпа пробует плавать
Chick. Hello, rabbit. Rabbit. Hello, who are you? Chick. I don’t know! May be I’am a rabbit.
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Цыпа встречает кролика
Rabbit. A rabbit? And can you hop like me? Chick. I don't know! Let me try! Oh, no! I can't hop. Rabbit. Then you are not a rabbit! Chick. So, who am I? Rabbit. May be you are a cat? Go and ask the cat!
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Цыпа пробует прыгать
Chick. Hello, cat! Cat. Hello! Who are you? Chick. I don't know! May be I'm a cat?
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Цыпа встречает кошку.
Cat. A cat? And can you climb the tree like me? Chick. I don't know! Let me try! Oh, no! I can'tclimb the tree! Cat. Then you are not a cat! Chick. So, who I am? Cat. May be you are a butterfly? Go and ask the butterfly!
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Цыпа пробует влезть на дерево.
Chick. Hello, butterfly! Butterfly. Hello! Who are you? Chick. I don't know! May be I'm a butterfly! Butterfly. A butterfly? And can you fly like me? Chick. I don't know! Let me try! Oh, no! I ean't fly!
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Цыпа встречает бабочку
Butterfly, Then you are not a butterfly! Chick, So, who am I? Butterfly. I don't know!
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Цыпа пробует летать
Chick. Hello! Who are you? Chick 2. I'm a chick! Why are you crying? Chick. Because I don't know, who I am! Chick 2. Please, don't cry! I think you look like a nice chick! Chick. A chick? Chick 2. Yes! Can you hunt worms?
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Цыпленок встречает своего брата
Chick. Hunt worms? I don't know! Let me try! Oh, yes! I can hunt worms! Hooray! I'm chick! And where is our mother?
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Цыпа охотиться на червей
Chick 2. Here she is! Hen. Cluck-cluck-cluck! Oh, my little sons at! Let's go! I have many worms for you!
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Цыпа встречает маму

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