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subservient TO sth; the rights of the individual are made subservient to the interests of the state
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subservient; Don remained entirely subservient to his father.
głeboka rana cięta
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gash; Blood poured from a deep gash in her forehead.
lśniące włosy
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glossy hair
gapić się w kamerę
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to stare into the camera
narwany; zadziorny; porwisty
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feisty /feisti/; DiFranco charmed the audience with her feisty spirit.
uległy, posłuszny
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brać coś dosłownie, brać coś za dobrą monetę
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to take sth at face value
ponowne odkrycie
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w każdym calu
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down to the last detail
przemyślana strategia
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thought-out strategy
klasztor żeński
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jeździć autostopem
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go hitchhiking, to hitch hike
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(burning) ambition
telent do czegoś
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a talent for sth
całkiem spore osiągnięcie
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it's quite an achievement
obserwować coś / monitorować
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to keep/ have sb's eye on sth
filmowa adaptacja czegoś
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film adaptation of something
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bestseller, best-selling novel
opłacać się
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pay off
niesamowity, osobliwy
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uncanny; an uncanny coincidence
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przypominać kogoś/ coś
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to resemble; He grew up to resemble his father.
konsolidować, łączyć
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to consolidate
zwracać uwagę na, uczyć się, zalapać coś
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to pick up on sth
wskoczyć na listy przebojów
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to bounce into the charts
tandetny, lichy
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porwane rajstopy
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torn tights
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olśniewający, wspaniały
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glitzy, glamorous
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oczarowany czymś
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entranced with
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to entrance
to be involved with sb
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być w związku z kimś
panienka gangstera
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gangster's moll
przybrać na wadze
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to gain weight, to put on weight
zwrócić się do kogoś o np. pomoc
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turn to someone for help
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groźba, zagrożenie, zmora
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stożek, stożkowy
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cone, conical
zniknąć z widoku
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to vanish from view
pojawić sie jako
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to emerge as
wszystko pod słońcem
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everything under the sun
ostrzyżony na pazia
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cut in a bob
właśnie, praktycznie
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być uwięzionym
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to be trapped, to be imprisoned
czas pokaże
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only time will tell

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