Marta 21st Oct 2014

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pogoda jest okropna
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the weather is awful
always: THE weather
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wpływać na coś / mieć wpływ na coś
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to affect sth
NEVER: to affect on sth
Does THE weather affect your mood?
wpaść do kogoś z wizytą
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to come round
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to guess
Ile dni byłaś w Wilnie?
Ile dni spęd, ziłaś w Wilnie?
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How many days were you in Vilnius?
How many days did you spend in Vilnius?
czy im się podobało?
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did they enjoy? / did they like it? / were they satisfied with the weekend?
zrezygnować z czegoś
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to quit - quit - quit
do końca tego tygodnia
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till the end of this week
do końca tego roku
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till the end of this year
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There's been a big improvement in the children's behaviour.
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to switch on / to turn on
Wyszliśmy pomimo deszczu.
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We went out in spite of the rain.
Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much.
W zeszłym tygodniu pomalowałam ściany. (wynajęłam ekipę)
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Last week I had my walls painted.

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