Marta 2nd Feb 2017 #5

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Domanda Risposta
po pracy
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after work
On jest nieprzytomny od 5 dni.
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He's been uncoscious FOR 5 days.
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Jest jeden bezpośredni pociąg do Berlina.
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There's one direct train to Berlin.
Czy są jakieś bezpośrednie pociągi do Berlina?
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Are there any direct trains to Berlin?
Nie ma żadnych bezpośrednich lotów do Rzymu.
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There aren't any direct planes / flights to Rome. / There are no ......
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Ona słucha radia codziennie.
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She listens to the radio every day.
Ciągle to przekładam.
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I keep putting it off.
przekładać coś na później
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to postpone / to put off
Can we put our lesson off till Friday, please? / Can we put this presentation off till next week.
odkładać na później
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to procrastinate
przez telefon
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on the phone
Rozmawiam przez telefon.
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I'm on the phone.
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to saw - sawed - sawn
włożyć kurtkę
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to put the jacket on / to put on the jacket
zdjąć coś np. kurtkę
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to take sth off
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to put on weight / to put on 6 kilos
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to lose weight / to lose 6 kilos
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gasić np. pożar
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to put sth (the fire / a cigarette) out
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to fight
przenocować kogoś
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to put sb up
znosić coś / kogoś
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to put up with sb / sth
I can't put up with his behaviour. / I can't stand his behaviour.
to jest zapisane tłustym drukiem
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it's typed in bold

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