Marta 30th Nov 2014

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Domanda Risposta
nastawić baudzik
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to set the alarm
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to oversleep
postaraj się nie zasapać
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try not to oversleep
nie wchodźmy w szczegóły
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let's not go into detail
Do jakich miast pojechałaś?
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What cities did you go TO?
Krzywa Wieża w Pizie
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the Leaning Tower of Pisa
a tall round tower in Pisa, Italy, which does not stand straight, but leans to one side. It was built in the 12th century and is popular with tourists
Z czego słynie Parma?
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What is Parma famous FOR?
szynka parmeńska
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Parma ham
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Powinnam była napisać to na moim komputerze.
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I should have written it on my computer.
opiekować się kimś / czymś
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to look after sb/ sth = to take care OF sb / sth
oddać coś
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to give sth back
wrogowie polityczni
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political enemies
Szkoda, że nie mówię po chińsku
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I wish I spoke Chinese.
wish + the Past Simple => present regrets
Szkoda, że nie jestem wyższa.
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I wish I were/was taller.
wish + the Past Simple => present regrets
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to regret sth

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