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Domanda Risposta
tarcie, tarcia personalne
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friction, clash, personality clash
"nadążać za czymś" opposite
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keep up to date with sth, keep up to date with moder technology - to be out of tuch with sth
"nawet nie wiesz jak szybko"
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in no time; in no time at all, in no time at all you will lern to...
przez wzgląd na twoją matkę
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for the sake of your mother
wewnętrzny, rzeczywisty, nieodłączny
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intrinsic, intrinsic value quality, access to the arts is intrinsic to a high quality of life
uporządkowany, systematyczny przeciwieństwo
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orderly, disorderly
naciągnąć, rozciągnąć, rozprostowac
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stretch, stretch the truth, stretch one's leg
zamontować, zapiąć, zamocować przeciwieństwo\
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fasten - unfasten, undo (anulowac)
kawałek czegoś (kawał)
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chunk, a thick, solid piece of something.
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compel, orce or oblige (someone) to do something. a sense of duty compelled Harry to answer her questions
skłonność, tendencja do
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incline, have a tendency to do something. she's inclined to gossip with complete strangers
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stopy proc stałe / zmienne
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fixed - variable (rates)
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a close-up, zoom
zasnąć, odpadać
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drop off, fall asleep, fall back
pęknięcie, rysa, pękać
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crack (v,n), break or cause to break without a complete separation of the parts. the ice all over the lake had cracked
gwałtowne załamanie
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violent collapse
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an insight into
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jumble up, mixed, Who jumbled my papers up? Who jumbled up all my papers?
zamaszysty rozległy
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cut off
wywieranie wpływu
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exert influence
jednostka, osoba prawna podmiot gospodarczy
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entity bussines legal
wszechstronny, wyczerpujący ogólny
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comprehensive insurance chool
kiedyś w przeszłości
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at one time, At one time very few houses in town were on the market.
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at times, sometimes
w biegu nie mieć czasu
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pressed for time, Can't talk to you now. I'm pressed for time
nie na czasie
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behind the times, Sarah is a bit behind the times. Her clothes are quite old-fashioned
bardzo szybko
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in no time (at all), I'll be there in no time. It won't take long. I'll be finished in no time at all.
przez wzgląd na stare czasy
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for old time's sake
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about time too! They're widening the road outside the school.' 'About time too!'
lagodny, życzliwy
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benign, gentle; kindly. her face was calm and benign
zgoda, pozwolenie
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consent, permision
egzekwować, wyegzekwować
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exempt, these patients are exempt from all charges
nakładać, narzucać
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impose, the decision was theirs and was not imposed on them by others
gorszy, niższej rangi, podwładny (przeciwieństwo)
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inferior - superior
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intimidate, he tries to intimidate his rivals
uwalniać, oswobodzić
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liberate, the serfs had been liberated
panować, królować
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reign, Queen Elizabeth reigns over the UK
wzmacniać, zasilać
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reinforce, paratroopers were sent to reinforce the troops already in the area
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poddany, poddać
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subject, submit, he'd subjected her to a terrifying ordeal (straszna próba)
wezwać, zwołać
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osłabić, rujnowac
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undermine, this could undermine years of hard work
niepokój, zamieszki, niepokój społeczny
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unrest, socila unrest
represjonować, pastwić się, znęcać się
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podatny wrażliwy
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vulnerable, susceptible, susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm. we were in a vulnerable position
lotr, czarny charakter
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vilify, he has been vilified in the press
znieśść, zlikwidować
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alleviate, he couldn't prevent her pain, only alleviate it
skazać, skazaniec
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deterrent, the deterrent effect of heavy prison sentences
industrial action
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strajk, akcja protestacyjna
uprzedzenie, stronnniczość
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prejudice, English prejudice against foreigners
zaskarżyć, kontynuować
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wycofać się
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back down, withdraw
mieszają się
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blend in, similar to other people objects
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bring about
rozprawić się
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crack down (on)
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zrezygnować z
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opt out (of)
wycofanie stopniowe
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phase out (gradualy stop using stf)
"naciskac kogoś unpolite"
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push around, keep teling somone what to do in unplesent way
wyróżniać osobę
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single out
"postawić się"
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stand up to, not allow yourself to be treated badly
przejąć, oferta przejęcia
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take over, take over bid
"mówić z wyższością"
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talk down to
"schować głowę w piasek"
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bury your hand in the sand
"daj żyć innym"
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live and let live
"wykożystywac wpływy" pociągnąć za sznurki
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pull strings
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taka the low into your own hands
ludzie władzy
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the powers that be
ukarać kogoś ciężko,
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throw the book at sb, I made the police officer angry, so he took me to the station and threw the book at me. The judge threatened to throw the book at me if I didn't stop insulting the police officer.
być pod pantoflem
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under sb's thumb
sporny, dyskusyjny, opp
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arguable, unarguable, an arguable case for judicial review
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"kłótliwy dyskutujący"
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domagać się uznania, zapewniać
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asert, the company asserts that the cuts will not affect development
przewaga wyższość
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dominance, predominance
dominujący, dominująca pozycja
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dominant, hey are now in an even more dominant position in the market
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predominantly, mostly
apodyktyczny, władczy, despotyczny
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zilustrować, zoobrazować
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wzorowy, przykładowy
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"słabe państwo zarządzanie"
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ungovernable, uncontrollable,
trudność, bieda
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wytrzymały, odporny
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wskazać, oznaczać, wskaźnik oznaka
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indicate, indicator
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pełnić obowiązki
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officiate, the first woman to officiate a men's basketball game
nadgorliwy natrętny
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lekkie obyczaje lekkie prowadzenie
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dopuszczalne dozwolone
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liberalny rodzić
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permissive, I was not a permissive parent
odwieść kogoś od czegoś
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dissuade, persuade (someone) not to take a particular course of action.
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empower, entitle
pokonać zmóc
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overpower, defeat, conquer
szkodliwy, krzywdzący
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prejudicial, harmful
uprzedzony opp
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prejudiced unprejudiced
nagiąć zasady, zakręt
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bend the rule
"chwycić za broń, złożyć broń"
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take up arms, lay down arms
zwalczać przestępczość
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combat crime
zaprzeczył że, temu, i past
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deny, seny that, deny doing, deny having done
obdarzyć, obdarować
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bestow, grant, the office was bestowed on him by the chief of state
podtrzymywać, utrzymać w mocy
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uphold, confirm or support (something that has been questioned). the court upheld his claim for damages
uchylanie prawa
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repeal the law, the legislation was repealed five months later
ustanowić prawo
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lay down the law, make the law
grupa rówieśnicza takich samych osób, naciski takich grup
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peer group, peer preasure
wykorzystać okazję szansę
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to seize an opportunity the chance
nadużycie siły
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abuse power
skandal, zniewaga, obraza
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praktyczne zasady, opartne na praktyce
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rule of thumb
odsiadywać karę 5lat
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serve a sentence of 5 years

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