Marzena Time

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pośpiech, popchnąć, zgiełk
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hustle, hustle and bustle
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metafora, przenośnia
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spłącać, opłacić się
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pay off, being weak in relation to Russia really does not pay off.
natychmiastowy, natychmiastowa gratyfikacja
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instant, instant gratification
ptasie mleczko
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rozpuszczać się
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dissolve, melt
zgodny, konsekwentny
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z mojego punktu widzenia
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from my standpoint
różnica, wyróżnienie
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distinction, there is a sharp distinction between domestic politics and international politics
tempo zycia
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pace of life
los przeznaczenie
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"zmiany mózgowe u ludzi
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rewire people brains
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gait; a person's manner of walking. the easy gait of an athlete
szerokość (geograficzna), swoboda
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latitude, at a latitude of 51° N, journalists have considerable latitude in criticizing public figures
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rozróżniać, odróżniać
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nagły, raptowny; ostry, stromy
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abrupt, I was surprised by the abrupt change of subjec, you were rather abrupt with that young man
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upłynąć, przemijać
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elapse (v)
wieczny, wieczna młodość
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eternal (adj), eternal youth
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instantaneous (adj), her reaction was almost instantaneous
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interim, an interim arrangement
upływ, upływ czasu, z upływem czasu
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lapse, lapse of time, with the lapse of time
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long standing
przestarzały, niemodny, zdezaktualizowany
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spóźniony, zaległy
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overdue, the rent was nearly three months overdue
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prior, he has a prior engagement this evening
szybko, niezwłocznie, szybka akcja odpowiedź itp.
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prompt, prompt action answer
okres, roziętość, długość życia, okres czasu, zakres kontroli
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span, life span, time span, span of control, concentration span
chwila, czary, literować
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spell, I want to get away from racing for a spell
okres a person's fixed or allotted period of work
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stint, his varied career included a stint as a magician
kolejny, dalszy
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aktualny, zrobiony w odpowiedniej chwili, w samą porę
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timely, timely warning, timely arrival
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perspektywy, perspektywy naprzyszłość
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prospects, future prospects
zbędny, zbyteczny
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redundant, this redundant brewery has been converted into a library
wylać z pracy, worek
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sack, any official found to be involved would be sacked on the spot
pojawić się, appear or happen suddenly or unexpectedly
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crop up
zanurzyć się w, start doing sth in a very enthusiastic way
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dive in
skończyć jako efekt procesu, be in particular place or state after doing sth or because of doing sth
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end up, "He ended up marrying his high school sweetheart
zacząćz czymś, begin with
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kick off with,
kończyć pracę, stop working
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knock off, It's after five; let's knock off.
wziąć się w garść z robotą, start working hard especially when you should have done this earlier
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knuckle down, to knuckle down to some work.
coś jest pisane komuś
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lie ahead, if sth lies ahead, it is going to happen to you in the future
work at different times from usual because you have not worked enough at normal times
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make up
zrelaksować się
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unwind, relax
nakręcać się, kończyć coś
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wind up, the windup of the convention
wyciszenie, end or finish sth gradually, gradually reduce work before stopping completly, relax after a period of excitement or worry
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wind down; The party wound down as guests began to leave.
wypoczywać, spend time in a relaxed way when you have nothong else to do
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while away
wspierać, help someone to get to the end of a difficult period of time
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tide over, the money tided him over until he got a job.
zatrudnić, start to emply someone, accept some work or responsibility
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take on, to take on new workmen
przygnieciony (robotą) you have too much of tsth to deal with
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snow under, to be snow under with
zacząć coś, start doing or working on sth in order to achieve an aim,
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set out, outset, He set out to understand why the plan had failed.
kontynuować mimo przeciwskazań, "cinąć" continue doing sth in a determined way despite difficulties opposition or interruptions
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press ahead/on with; decided to press ahead with the performance even with a sore throat.
najwyższy czas
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it's about time
o czasie
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about time
zamir zrobić coś
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about to do sth
zachowuj się na swój wiek
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act your age
przedział wiekowy
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age bracket
w odpowiednim czasie
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in due course
uratować komus dzień"
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make sb's day
lada dzień, na dniach
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any day now
zwykły codzienny, z dnia na dzień
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day to day, from day to day
w dzisiejszych czasach
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in this day and age
pod koniec a na końcu
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at the end, in the end
przekreślić zakończyć
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put an end to, Many are driven to suicide in order to put an end to their nightmare
prawwie nigdy
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hardly ever
po godzinach
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out of hours
jedyne wyjście z trudniej sytuacji,
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make the best of a bad job; When the dry cleaners ruined Mrs. Anderson's coat, they made the best of a bad job by offering to buy her another one.
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every now and then/again evry so often, sometimes
objąć urząd, to begin serving as an elected or appointed official
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take office,
kandydować na prezydenta
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run for president
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a split second, flash, instant
super start
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get off to a flying start, Our new shop has got off to a flying start.
na początek
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for a start
zabić czas
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to pass the time
ciągle w kółko
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on and on, time after time
praca jako wielka przyjemność
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work a treat
wybitny w pracy, to achieve spectacularly fine results
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work wonders
"kawał dobrej roboty" A remarkable person, achievement, or product
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piece of work, He's a very tough piece of work"
rok przestępny
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leap year
napraw teraz coś małego bo potem będzie większy problem
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stitch in time saves nine
wszystko w swoim czasie
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all in good time; used for telling someone to wait for sth and not to try to make you hurry
bez wahania, natychmiast
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at the drop of a hat
"przed moim czasem"
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before your time, used for saying that sth happend or existed before you were born or before you lived or worked smewhere
na dobre na stałe
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for good, permanently, without the possibility of change in the future, I gave up smoking for good
na razie
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for the time being, for now, she is happy with the job for the time being but she is planing to change it
"ruski rok"
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in/for donkey's years, an extremly long time
"w ostatnim momencie" w ostatnij chwili
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in the nick of time; just in time to prevent sth bad happening
raz na ruski rok, very rarely
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once in a blue moon
pod wpływem chwili
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on the spur of the moment
ostatnio, niedawno, recently
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the other day
dokłdanie punktualnie
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on the dot, precisely, get to work 9 o'clock on the dot every day
skazany, stracony
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feated, my life is feated, feated by my religion, by my poverty
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identyczność, monotonia
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wycofać się
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drop out, childs drop out of school
bez końca
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nadgarstek, zegarek na rękę
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wrist, wristwatch
nie doceniać
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