Masterclass proficiency unit 2 page 24-30, 32, 36-37

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to completely change something so that it is much better
undo [undid – undone]
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to open something that is tied, fastened or wrapped
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an imaginary monster; a hope or dream that is extremely unlikely ever to come true;
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having a strong influence or effect
We are all ~~ grateful for your help and encouragement.
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1) to dig stone; a large artificial hole in the ground where stone, sand, etc. is dug out of the ground for use as building material: 2) an object being hunted; a person or animal being hunted, chased or looked for
tear apart
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to break something violently into a lot of small pieces; to destroy a building or room; to cause serious arguments in a group of people
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) to complain in a sad, annoying voice about something [= moan]
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extremely thin;
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rough woolen cloth woven from threads of different colours, used mostly to make jackets, suits, and coats:
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the space between two straight lines or surfaces that join each other, measured in degrees
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to appear or come out from somewhere
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a device for controlling direction
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to send out a beam, noise, smell or sth such as sound, heat, light, gas
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very confused; to cause someone to be completely unable to understand or explain sth
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going out from a place or point, and moving forwards or outwards
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the parts of a car, boat etc that allow you to control its direction; to control the direction of a vehicle:
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a trick or sth unusual that you do to make people notice someone or sth - used to show disapproval [=stunt]
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an enthusiast; someone who is easily tricked or persuaded to do sth; a person who believes everything they are told and is therefore easy to deceive
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an illusion that cannot be real; a dream, hope, or wish that cannot come true [= illusion]
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to create or prepare sth very carefully; to develop sth such as a plan or a set of rules, and decide all the details of how it will be done
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the degree to which someone is admired or regarded as important (renoma, postura)
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no longer of any use; not existing any more, or not useful any more; no longer existing, living, or working correctly
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very violent or cruel
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harmful or acting against sth; causing harm or damage [= damaging]
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the amount that sth can hold; the amount of space a container, room etc has to hold things or people
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process of sth getting worse
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to hit your foot against something or put your foot down awkwardly while you are walking or running, so that you almost fall
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a vestigial part of the body has never developed completely or has almost disappeared; being a small remaining part or amount
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making you feel slightly confused, embarrassed, or worried
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extremely large in size or degree [= enormous]
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to smile widely
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clothes, places, or objects are untidy and in bad condition because they have been used for a long time; looking old and in bad condition because of long use or lack of care
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leżeć bezwładnie
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easily damaged, broken or harmed [= delicate; ≠ strong]:
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a short sound, word or phrase to express sudden emotion or a strong feeling such as shock, pain, or pleasure [= exclamation]
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a statement in mathematics that shows that two amounts or totals are equal
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the state of being judged in comparison with other things and not by itself = względność
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difficult or impossible to understand;
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a non-expert; someone who is not trained in a particular subject or type of work,
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to make a fairly quiet regular sound, like the sound of a bird or insect moving its wings very fast
now’s a fine time
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used to say that someone should do something now, because it is the right time to do it
This is a very convenient moment to decide that you don’t want to get married – your husband-to-be is waiting in the church.
a bit pressed for time
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to be in a hurry; to not have enough time, money etc:
buy time
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to deliberately make more time for yourself to do sth, for example by delaying a decision; to do sth in order to be allowed more time
for the time being
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for a limited, short period of time from now, but not permanently
(be/ come/ leave) on time
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at the correct time or the time that was arranged
at the best of times
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when everything is going well; if sth is not very good, pleasant etc at the best of times, it is usually even worse than this
(only) time will tell
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used to say that the truth or a result will only be known in the future after events have happened
time and time again
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very often, over a long period [= time after time  again and again]
kill time
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to do sth that keeps you busy while you are waiting for sth else to happen;
just in the nick of time
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at the last possible moment; just before it is too late, or just before sth bad happens
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someone who lives and thinks in a way which is different from other people, • a member of a Christian group which is Protestant but does not belong to the Church of England
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to separate things that have become joined or confused
proportional/ proportionately
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If two amounts are proportional, they change at the same rate so that the relationship between them does not change
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with different parts failing to work or move well together
The marketing campaign was an ~~ effort by several different departments. She was clumsy and ~~as a girl.
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describes medical treatment that involves changing the shape of part of a person's body, either because it has been badly damaged or to improve someone's appearance
After the accident, he underwent ~~ surgery to rebuild his face
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[u] the process of becoming or making something different
Product ~~ is essential to the future of the company.
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able to be exchanged with each other without making any difference or without being noticed
The terms 'drinking problem' and 'alcohol abuse' are often ~~.
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a low-budget film of inferior quality made for use as a supporting feature in a cinema programme:[as modifier]:
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to a moderately high degree
to pose
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to create a difficult or dangerous situation
to abound
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exist in large numbers or amounts
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existing or available in large quantities
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a piece of land almost surrounded by water or projecting out into a body of water. polwysep
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a straight line that crosses a circle through the centre, or the length of this line, srednica
Wipe out
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remove or eliminate (something) completely
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positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space as observed in astronomy
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kolos; wielkolud; olbrzym
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wrodzony; naturalny; nieodłączny
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urażony, feeling angry and upset about sth that you think is unfair
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happening or done only once, not as part of a regular series
In league with
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to be working with someone secretly, especially for a bad purpose
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czarna magia
Sweep away
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to destroy or to completely remove something
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a formal declaration by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law that someone is guilty of a criminal offence
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to treat someone cruelly or unfairly over a period of time, especially because of their religious or political beliefs
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establish (something, typically a practice or activity) as a convention or norm in an organization or culture
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extremely large, powerful, or important
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secrets or mysteries
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an unsteady walk or movement; astonish or deeply shock
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gradually becomes less and then stops [= die down]; if a building or an area of land subsides, it gradually sinks to a lower level
Kinsmen/ kinswoman
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(in anthropological or formal use) one of a person’s blood relations.
Be immortalize in
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confer enduring fame upon
he will be forever ~~ in the history books
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a feeling that you are not as good, clever, skilled etc as other people
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an animal that is developing either in its mother's womb or in an egg, or a plant that is developing in a seed
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a reason for giving blame
This seems to me to be a damning ~~ of education policy.
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to treat someone in an intentionally unfair way, especially because of their race, sex or beliefs= zmęcanie się
He claimed he'd been ~~ by the police.
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brave, not fearing danger
to elope
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run away secretly in order to get married, especially without parental consent
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the often gradual development of sth, or the way sth happens, or a way of doing sth
throw the book at somebody
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to punish or criticize someone as severely as possible
turn over a new leaf
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to start behaving in a better way
to go by the book/to do sth by the book
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to do something exactly as the rules tell you
be in sb's good/bad books
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they are pleased/not pleased with you
to speak volumes
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make an opinion, characteristic or situation very clear without the use of words
take a leaf out of sb's book
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to copy sth that someone else does because it will bring you advantages
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the process or result of joining two or more things together to form a single entity,
to threaten
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. to tell someone that you will kill /hurt them, or cause problems for them if they do not do what you want
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absolutely necessary or important
to replicate
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to make or do sth again in exactly the same way
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next to, or together with
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very shocking and surprising
to stumble
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to step awkwardly while walking or running and fall or begin to fall (potykać się)
to topple
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to (cause to) lose balance and fall down
to trip
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to lose your balance after knocking your foot against something when you are walking or running, or to cause someone to do this (potknąć się)
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having or showing a lot of knowledge or skill
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a female servant
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very well known, important, famous
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frightening, horrifying, mrożący krew w żyłach
to build on sth
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to use a success or achievement as a base from which to achieve more success (bazować na czymś)
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the action or fact of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person
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used to emphasize that sth is not large or important (jedynie)
to subjugate
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to defeat people or a country and rule them in a way which allows them no freedom, (ciemiężyć, podporządkować)
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bezpłodny, nieurodzajny
expose sb to sth
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o make it likely that someone will experience something harmful or unpleasant (narazić)
to compile
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to collect information from different places and arrange it in a book, report or list
to conceive
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to invent a plan or an idea
to compute
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to calculate /reckon an answer or amount by using a machine; make a calculation, especially using a computer (obliczać)
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sth that you do or give to help produce or achieve something together with other people, or to help make sth successful; the part played by a person
sb's declining years
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the last years of someone's life
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very angry about unfair things that have happened to you (rozgoryczony)

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