MATI-Repetytorium W sklepie-klient

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I'm just browsing, thanks
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I'm just browsing, thanks
Have you got a shirt like this, but in red?
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Have you got a shirt like this, but in red?
How much is it?
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How much is it?
Where can I try it on?
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Where can I try it on?
Where are the changing rooms?
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Where are the changing rooms?
Could I have a bigger size?
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Could I have a bigger size?
I'll take it.
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I'll take it.
I think I'll leave it.
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I think I'll leave it.
I'd like two of these
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I'd like two of These
Can I pay by credit card?
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Can I pay by credit card?
Could you put it in a bag for me?
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Could you put it in a bag for me?

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