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Domanda English Risposta English
to tuck in/into smth
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to start eating enthusiastically
to polish of
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to finish all of something, especially food
to gulp down
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to drink very quickly
to brew
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to make coffee or tea by adding hot water to the beans or bag
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having a pleasant and distinctive smell
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an amount of smth that you drink quickly
to work up an appettite
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to do something that makes you feel hungry
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delicious and full of flavor
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food that looks so good you want to eat it right then
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a very small piece that has fallen of
to inhale
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to eat very quickly
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so delicious so you want more of it
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having a strong smell or taste
an acquired taste
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something that you might dont like at first but you start to enjoy over time
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small items of food that are usually eaten with your fingers
to spoil an appetite
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eat something before the meal that causes you to not fill hungry
one’s eyes are bigger than one’s stomach
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to order or put more food on your plate that you can eat
doggy bag
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a bag or box you get from a restaurant to take home your leftovers in
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very full

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