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jak ona chce to zrobić?
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how does she want to do it?
kiedy krzysiek ma zamiar to wysłać?
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when is Chris going to send it?
nie jadłem rano śniadania.
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I diden't eat breakfast in the morning.
widziałem ich wczoraj w parku?
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I saw them yesterday in the park?
jak długo spałeś?
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how long did you sleep?
ona nie ma samochodu
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she did not have a car
dlaczego oni przyszli tutaj?
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why do they come here?
jak często on robi pizze w domu?
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how often does she do pizza at home?
dlaczego ją przyprowadziłeś?
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Why did you bring her?
kiedy masz zamiar przyjechać?
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when are you going to come?
nie widziałem go tam?
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I diden't see him there?
ja pije kawe po śniadaniu
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I drink coffee after breakfast
kiedy ty pijesz kawę?
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when do you drink coffee?

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