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write sentences about yourself.
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Napisz zdania o sobie.
I usually watch television in the evening.
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Ja zwykle oglądam telewizję w godzinach wieczornych.
choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
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wybrać odpowiednie słowo na zakończenie zdania.
They live in a small town in Italy.
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Oni mieszkają w małym miasteczku we Włoszech.
He works for a small company.
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Pracuje dla małej firmy.
She works in a hotel.
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Ona pracuje w hotelu.
I go to work by bus.
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Jadę do pracy autobusem.
She goes to school no foot.
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Ona idzie do szkoły pieszo.
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Chris has a computer at work.
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Chris ma komputera w pracy.
Chris and Janet haven't a digital camera.
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Chris i Janet nie masz aparatu cyfrowego.
Janet doesn't write emails
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Janet nie pisze e-maile
Chris hasn't a game consple.
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Chris nie ma conspli do gry.
Janet and Chris have a mobile phone.
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Janet i Chris posiada telefon komórkowy.
I have my mobile phone in class
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Mam telefon w klasie
I use the internet at work.
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Korzystam z internetu w pracy.
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
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Wybierz właściwe słowo, aby dokończyć zdania.
He has a computer and she has a computer
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On ma komputer i ona ma komputer
He has a computer but he doesn't use it.
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On ma komputer, ale nie używa go.
She has a computer and she use it.
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Ona ma komputer, a ona go używać.
She uses the internet and she writes emails.
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Ona korzysta z Internetu i pisze e-maile.
He has a mobile phone bat he doesn't have a work telephone.
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Ma telefon komórkowy bat on nie ma telefonu do pracy.
I always get up before 7 o'clock.
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Zawsze wstaję przed 7 rano.
get up
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wstawać/podnosić się
I never go to work by bus.
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Nigdy nie jadę do pracy autobusem.
Write about yourself. Use: I never or I often or I don't... very often
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Napisz o sobie. Użyj: Nigdy lub często albo ja nie ... bardzo często
I don't often go to the theatre.
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Nie często chodzą do teatru.
I don't often ride a bicycle.
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Nie jeźdżę często na rowerze.
I never travel by train.
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Nigdy nie podróżuję pociągiem.
I don't often eat in restaurant.
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Nie jadam często w restauracji

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