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put up smb
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przenocowac kogoś
put up with
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tolerate, deal with
get over
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przeboleć, dojść do siebie
set off
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cut down on
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obniżyć, zredykować
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odwołać się
turn up
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zjawić się
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nieumyśle spowodowanie morderstwa
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oszustwo, matactwo
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can't make head nor tail of it
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to fail to understand anything
to be on the same wavelength
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to share similar opinions and ideas
to put it in a nutshell
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to give the main facts in a short, clear way
to get the wrong end of the stick
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to not understand something
to beat about the bush
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to beat about the bush in inglese
to delay talking about something
to put someone in the picture
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to give the latest information
to get straight to the point
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to talkabout most important thing
to hear it on the grapevine
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to hest about something because the information has been passed on from one person to another in conversation
to be like talking to a brike wall
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to try to communicate with an unresponsive person
to keep someone in the loop
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to include someone in group communication
to talk at cross-purposes
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to not understant someone
own up
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To take responsibility when you mess up and face the consequences
take after
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być podobnym
look up
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find sth in a reference book, search
go through
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read quickly
brush up
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set off
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begin a journey
see off
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say goodbay
break down
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stop working
calm down
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check in
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take off
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rise into the air
look after
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take care of
get over
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chear up
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be happy
wear off
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disappear gradually
look formward to
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think about the future with pleasure
make out
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see with difficulty
clear up
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improve (weather)
find out
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try out
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come across
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find by chance
look back on
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