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Domanda English Risposta English
bez zastanowienia "What date is their wedding?" "I couldn't tell you ..."
bez zastanowienia
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off the top of my head
I'm so ​relieved that I don't have to make a ​speech - it's such a ​...
z głowy
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weight/load off my mind!
I'm at my ​... I don't ​know how to ​help him.
odchodzić od zmysłów nie wiedzieć, co począć
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wits' end
Anthony is the ...... the project.
mózg czegoś
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brains behind
I'm going to give that ​mechanic ... if the car's not ​fixed this ​time.
powiedzieć komuś (parę słów) do słuchu / nawrzeszczeć
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a piece of my ​mind
Don't ​let ​fame/​success go to...
uderzać do głowy (np. alkohol, sukces)
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​your head
I have a... to go without him if he's going to be such an ​idiot!
mieć wielka ochote coś zrobić (ale nie zrobić tego, np. donieść na kogoś)
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good mind
This ​shopping ​trolley has...
mieć własny rozum (komputer)
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a mind of ​its own
She ​tried to ​keep a... but, ​unable to ​contain herself, ​burst into ​laughter.
utrzymać poważną twarz
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​straight face
She ​managed to...... her and ​escaped unharmed.
zachować przytomność umysłu
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​keep her wits about
... a diary
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... a diary in inglese
You're ........ trying to get that dog to behave properly.
walić głową w mur, nie robić żadnych postępów
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banging your head against a brick wall
If you'd just....... it, I'm ​sure you could do it.
starać się o coś, być zdeterminowanym na coś
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put ​your mind to
I've been ​... all ​day but I can't ​remember her ​name.
łamać sobie głowę
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racking my ​brains

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