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 0    13 schede    hawiak4
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blue is the sea
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niebieski jest morze
green is the grass
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zielona jest trawa
white are clouds
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białe są chmury
as they slowly pass
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jak powoli przechodzą
black are the crows
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Są czarne wrony
brown are the trees
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brązowe są drzewa
red are the sails
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czerwony są żagle
of a ship in the breeze
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statku na wietrze
I have ten little fingers
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Mam dziesięć paluszki
I have ten little toes
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Mam dziesięć małe palce
I have two ears
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Mam dwoje uszu
I have two eyes
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Mam dwoje oczu
and just one little nose
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i tylko jeden mały nosek

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