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Domanda English Risposta English
the stories ........ focus on domestic problems they may have experienced themselves.
niezmiennie, zawsze
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viewers only ...... to these programmes in order to escape from reality
uciekać się do
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it first ....... as a genre back in the 1930s.
okazywać się, wychodzić na jaw
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Looking further...
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change is... the horizon
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Although sophisticated........ to assemble cars and assist during complex surgery, modern robots are dumb
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Passengers ........ down the bus by the driver.
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told to | make their way
Mira tried ...... between her two colleagues.
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not to take sides / to avoid taking sides | in the argument
The carnival's ... support.
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success is under threat | due to / because of
The manager stated that his decision....... discussion.
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was not | open to further
No ........ when you get home, please text me.
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matter how | late it is / may be / might be

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