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a bill
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w poniedziałek
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on Monday
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in the morning
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in the evening
po południu
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in the afternoon
czy mogę być w hotelu do wieczora?
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Can I stay at the hotel till the evening?
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I'm leaving
czy ty wyjeżdżasz we wtorek?
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are you leaving on Tuesday?
w środę po południu wyjeżdżam do Polski
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on Wednesday afternoon I'm leaving for Polish
nie jadę do londynu
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I'm not going to london
za godzinę
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in an hour hour
będę tam za godzinę
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I'll be there in an hour
w tym tygodniu
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this week
gdzie będziesz?
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where will you be?
czy będziesz tutaj jutro o siódmej wieczorem?
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will you be here tomorrow at seven in the evening?
czy będziesz jutro w hotelu?
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will you be tomorrow at the hotel?
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alarm clock
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wake up
proszę mnie obudzić o szóstej
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Please wake me up at six

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