Money vocabulary

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Domanda English Risposta English
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very poor; without money
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extremely poor, with very little money
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rich and succesful
well off
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having a lot of money
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having no money, very poor
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having a lot of money, possessions
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not willing to spend or give much money
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having enough money to buy what you want without worry about the cost
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having no money
easy money
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money that is not difficult to earn/make
be made of money
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be very rish
money doesn't grow on trees
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money is not easy to get, we value our money
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an amount of money that you regulary pay so that you can use a house
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money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public serves
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the money that you make in bussines or by selling things
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a sum of money that is given as the first part of a larger payment
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an amount of money that you pay for profesional advice od services
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the money that you pay for borrowing money from bank
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a legal agreement by which a bank or similar organization lends you money to buy for example house. You pay the money back over a particular number of years
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the money that you spend on something
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money that is given by the government etc, for a particular purpose
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money that an organization such as bank lends and sb borrows
money talks
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money causes action
put your money where your mouth is
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pay what you offered
get your money's worth
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to get full value for the money you have spent
be in the money
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suddenly get a lot of money or make a profit
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hating to spend money
hard up
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having very little money, especially for a short period of time
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having a lot of money and a good standards of living
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having no money
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very rich
badly off
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not having much money
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not given or giving willingly; not generous especially with money

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